ophestra Lyrics of Noble Vampire by Thousand Leaves.


Artist: Thousand Leaves
Title: Noble Vampire


血塗られた私の 辿り着いたのは 幻想郷

運命を操る 幼き紅い月

chinura reta watashi no tadori tsuita no wa gensō gō

unmei o ayatsuru osanaki akai tsuki

Bloody as I am, I ended up in Gensokyo.

The ability to manipulate fate, a scarlet moon in her youth.


光が月に変わるとき 暗闇を紅く染める

鬼と化し 私に生きる全てを 捧げよ

hikari ga tsuki ni kawaru toki kurayami o akaku someru

oni to kashi watashi ni ikiru subete o sasageyo

When that moon lights up, darkness filled by red.

And turns into a devil, I demand every living thing.


For the dying princess


誰か私を救って欲しい 忌まわしき過去消え去れ

本当はただ…ただ密かに 絶え逝く日を待っている

dare ka watashi o sukutte hoshī imawashiki kako kiesare

hontōwa tada tada hisoka ni tae iku hi o matte iru

Anyone even wants me to reach salvation, to rid me of my terrible past.

I’m in fact just… secretly waiting for the day I can finally die.


For the dying princess


誰か私を救って欲しい 忌まわしき過去消え去れ

本当はただ…ただ密かに 絶え逝く日を待っている

dare ka watashi o sukutte hoshī imawashiki kako kiesare

hontōwa tada tada hisoka ni tae iku hi o matte iru

Anyone even wants me to reach salvation, to rid me of my terrible past.

I’m in fact just… secretly waiting for the day I can finally die.


Noble Vampire